Educational Research

Higher Education | Student Involvement | Co-design of Learning | Quality Work

Qualitative and Ethnographic | Social Network Analysis | Agent - Based Modelling


In describing my research, I keep coming back to the image of this tree, I took a while ago: Zooming out, looking at the roots, we see the sturdy structure of the tree trunk and its branches. Our eyes move towards the collection of leaves in the sky, of this tree’s accompanied by those of others. We continue to individual leaves, their particular colour of green, the ways in which light and shadow emerge and disappear on their surface, their movement in the wind. And realise, that we cannot understand one without the other, and that some of most interesting and least visible things might lie in the paths from trunk to leave and back and the dependencies of neighbouring leaves.

PhD Project

My project is a collaboration between the education faculty and two Centres for Excellence in Education, the Centre for Experiential Legal Learning - CELL - at the law faculty and the Sustainable Health Care Education Centre - SHE - at the medicine faculty at UiO. One of the core aims of these centres is to innovate education and develop and explore new ways of student engagement and ownership.

I am interested in the students who work for and with the centres as co-centre-leaders, student project leaders, peer mentors or colloqium leaders. Why? - These students take responsilities for their own and other’s learning, drive the innovation of education and navigate carefully between student and staff roles at university.

Conceptually I aim to investigate student involvement in Higher Education both in the design of teaching-learning environments and experiences, as well as in quality work surrounding teaching-learning. Methodologically I have worked with agent-based models, social network analysis and am now diving into qualitative and ethnographic methods with the vision of connecting and integrating these approaches, in order to address connections between micro- and macro-perspectives.


MUELDER, H., Filatova, T. (2018). One theory - many formalisations: testing different code implementations of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in energy agent-based models. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 21(4)5. DOI: 10.18564/jasss.3855. URL:


MUELDER, H., (2022). Student and Staff Collaboration in Quality Work in Higher Education. SHE talks - Sustainable Health Care Education Centre, Oslo, NO, April 7th

Muelder, H., VÖRÖS, A., Mepham, K., Maathuis, M., Stadtfeld, C. (2020). Measuring and Detecting Perceived Social Groups. 6th International Conference on Computational Social Science, Cambridge, USA, July 17th-20th

MUELDER, H., Vörös, A., Mepham, K., Stadtfeld, C. (2019). Measuring and Characterising Social Group Perceptions. Duisterbelt 2019, Groningen, The Netherlands, December 18th-20th

MUELDER, H., Filatova, T. (2019). Alternative approaches to operationalize qualitative behavioral concepts in a formal model. Social Simulation Conference 2019, Mainz, Germany, September 23rd-27th

MUELDER, H., Filatova, T. (2017). One theory - many formalisations: testing different code implementations of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in energy agent-based models.ESSA@work 2017, Delft, The Netherlands, February 7th-8th

MUELDER, H., Tariku, M.B., Filatova, T., Voinov, A. (2016). Household energy demand - behavioural changes and the role of information as an individual level barrier in the transition to low carbon economy - an agent-based modeling approach. Social Simulation Conference 2016, Rome, Italy, September 19th-23rd


MUELDER, H., Bergstrom, N., Enqvist-Jensen, C., Esterhazy R. (2023). Student Staff as Co-Designers in Higher Education. International Society of the Learning Sciences Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 10th-15th

MUELDER, H., Vörös, A., Mepham, K., Stadtfeld, C. (2019). Aggregating Individual Group Perceptions in Social Networks. 4th European Conference on Social Networks 2019, Zürich, Switzerland, September 9th-12th


MSc Statistics

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ), Switzerland

Title: Aggregating Individual Social Group Perceptions in Social Networks

Supervisors: Dr. András Vörös, Prof. Dr. Christoph Stadtfeld & Prof. Dr. Marloes Maathuis

Development and validation of similarity and quality measures for individual and aggregated group perceptions and implementation of a hierarchical clustering for these.

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BSc Technology and Liberal Arts & Sciences

University College Twente, University of Twente, Netherlands

Title: Household Energy Demand - Behavioural Changes and the Role of Information as an individual level Barrier in the Transition to Low Carbon Economy

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Tatiana Filatova & Dr. Martin van der Hoef

Operationalization of the Theory of Planned Behaviour using a multi-attribute utility function and development of an information barrier for an agent-based model of household decision making.


MUELDER, H., Filatova, T. (2019, May 21). "ABM Household Decision Making on Solar Energy using Theory of Planned Behaviour" (Version 1.0.0). CoMSES Computational Model Library. Retrieved from: