Innovative Education

curiousity-fostering | student-driven | reflective | collaborative | interdisciplinary

Being involved in education these days, as a student, pedagogical, administrative or academic staff member means to tread on consistently moving ground, such as the sand in this picture. Globalisation, digitalisation, pandemics, (…) are powerful external pushes that the education system needs to react to and handle. Educational approaches as collaborative, challenge or problem based education, internally motivated adaptions, require development of new structures, as well as changes in student and staff roles. This means we depend on each other to find, and continuously redevelop our path together. Further, what open-ended, student-driven approaches imply is that we as educators are not leading the way anymore, but stay ashore, trying to coach and guide our students, while they tackle the waves and stormy waters.

Teaching Statement

The keywords above describe both the education I have experienced and helped to further develop as a student, as well as the education I strive to provide as an educator. Please find here a statement on my teaching approach, reflecting on past experiences and describing my plans to develop in the future.

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Educational Initiatives